Abstract Albia
A collection of Creatures Art by me. All Norns were posed with NornPose, and the pictures themselves were made in Microsoft Paint. Please don't take any images (although I doubt you want to!) and use them without asking me first. If you would like to submit something, please email me. Now enjoy the exhibit!
I call this "the Locals" :)
The Gymnasts
I thought this was kinda cute... just a simple picture with C1 Norns :)
Rub a dub dub...
Poor Binton
In loving memory of Binton, my suicidal norn. His last words? "Binton seriously sad, run cliffedge". 
The Waterfall View
This one didn't turn out quite as I'd hoped... my first attempt at putting Norn pictures into an Albian background. She's supposed to be looking through the telescope, but it doesn't really look right :(
Hey, where's Alfred?
Dunnuh nuh nuh nuh nuh nunna BATNORN! *giggle*