Easter Eggs

Sorry, not the kind you get from a giant bunny! An Easter Egg is a hidden feature built into a game or product. To learn a little more about eggs in other products, visit The Easter Egg Archives. There are a bunch in both Creatures 1 and Creatures 2, but I'm only listing the C2 ones here. Although I suppose only one of them is actually a true Easter Egg, the others are just little hidden files by bored Cyberlife employees... hehe :) So have a look around and please let me know of any Eggs that I've missed. Happy hunting!
Toby Simpson & the Shee Statue
-What you need: Creatures 2
-What you do:
     1. Run Creatures.
     2. Get over to the Shee Statue and save it as a favorite place.
     3. Scroll to the left of the statue and up a little until you get to the row of barrels with spouts in them.
     4. Click on the leftmost barrel.
     5. Get back to the statue, quick! The easiest way to do this is so select the Shee Statue under favorite places and press the little house button next to it.

Grendel Rap
-What you need: Creatures 2
-What you do:
     1. Open the folder on your hard drive entitled "Creatures 2", then open "Sounds"
     2. Find "DJ_G.wav".
     3. Play it by double clicking on it, and make sure your speakers are turned on :)

What the Doosers really say 
-What you need: Creatures 2
-What you do:
     1. Go into the Creatures 2  Sounds file again.
     2. Find "doos.wav"
     3. Open it and save it to a different folder (other than Sounds).
     4. Assuming you have Windows 95/98, go Start > Programs > Entertainment > Sound Recorder
     5. Open the copy of doos.wav that you saved in a different folder than Sounds
     6. Under "Effects", select "Decrease speed" and "Reverse"
     7. Play it! Sound like the employees at Cyberlife are a little unhappy! :)

Hidden "Poetry"
-What you need: C1 or C2 Deluxe
-Where to look:
     C1: Creatures > TempBu > "Bustr.txt"
     C2 Deluxe: Creatures 2 > Applet data > "Bustr3.txt"
                        Creatures 2 > Extra > "Len the pen.txt"