A Nornstory
One day in Albia, Zackie and Leanne were born. Part of a “Wolfling Run”, they were left to live and fend for themselves.  Of course, mommy couldn’t help but watch… 

Simultaneously, the two norns popped out of their eggs. (Imagine sharing YOUR exact birthday and time with 17 people in YOUR home) They were quickly named Zackie and Leanne. They engaged in conversation immediately. (I.e.: Goo? Ba. Bibble? Ba. & other strikingly advanced words..) From then on, they were Norn buds forever. They decided to explore, so they left the hives and rode the elevator to the movies.  “Just some boring travelogue” said Leanne.  Zackie agreed, and pushed the button.  The music room! Fascinating. Exclaims of “Hey Leanne! Dig these drums!” and “This harp is exquisite!” were heard. (Well, not really.)  Then they discovered the trumpet.  Leanne blew into it.  “Not really my song.” she said. Zackie tried. “Fun though!” he said. They decided to take it with them.  Kissing and giggling, they entered the cellar.  Zackie noticed some green cups on the shelf. “Hey! Look!” he said. “Wonder what they are…” He picked one up and looked at it. It appeared to contain a liquid. “Gee. I wonder if its that sweet stuff that comes out of the jars?” he said. “I dunno Zackie, but I think we should leave it.” Said Leanne “It’s dripping out of that thing over there, so it can’t be the sticky stuff.”  “Well, I’m going to try it anyway.” Said Zackie.  Leanne tried to grab the cup, but Zackie managed to drink its contents.  “Well?” said Leanne.  “I bet it wasn’t sticky stuff was it?” She tapped her foot impatiently. “Noooo…” said Zackie “its geally rood though… I mean ready gool… I mean…. Hic!!” “What the heck are you doing?!” Said Leanne, confused as she watched Zackie stumble around the cellar.  “Its sumfin ‘bout this stuff…” he mumbled. “ Oh, honestly” said Leanne. “Come on, stupid”. Leanne dragged Zackie into the elevator and pushed the green button.  By now Zackie was starting to recover. “Whoa” he said. “I think I’m gonna barf”. “Don’t worry.” Said Leanne.  “You can’t barf.” Zackie lay down and went to sleep, while Leanne tried not to as she watched the movie.  Soon she drifted off and started snoring.  Zackie woke up. “Ahhh…” he said. “What a nice nap! Since Leanne is asleep, I’m going to explore”. And with that, he set off on the raft across the pool.  He found himself in a tunnel with lots of windows.  Everywhere he looked, there was water crashing around him. “But I’m not wet!” he thought. “Groovy!” He decided to take a closer look, so he rode the elevator down to the ground.  There, he saw lots of floating thingys that made bubbles. “Pretty” said the hand. “Pretty” repeated Zackie.  He tried to go into the tunnel to his left, but there appeared to be some kind of force field there. He went back up in the elevator to the cannon.  He pushed it…BANG! Zackie jumped back “Afraid!” he said. Still shaken up, he went over to the well. Disappointed, he found it contained no liquid.  Bored, he went up to the top of the lighthouse.  He played with the telescope for a while then went back to the pool with the raft. “Norn!” he called, looking for Leanne. “I’m over here, dummy!” She replied. Zackie smiled and crossed the pool.  “You won’t believe what I’ve seen!” He said.  Zackie proceeded to tell Leanne about his journey, not even noticing when his little Norn friend fell fast asleep.