
Ah, mindless trivia. Answer the questions and hit submit. If you get them all right, I'll email you a prize. The prize is for C2 only... if you have C1 please say so in the "Name?" field. (ex: "Hannah-c1") I'll try and change the questions from time to time, just so it stays interesting :)

*Note: When you press submit, it will try to take you to the Bravenet Homepage, but will say its not available. Just close the error message, DO NOT hit submit again :) I'm going to try and fix this, but for now just ignore it.

 Name? (nickname is fine)  

 Email address?  

 How many Norns can you have in C2 before you aren't allowed to import any more?  

 Which are supposedly more vicious? Boney Grendels or Original Grendels?  

 How many Life Kits are out for Creatures 2?  

 How many breeds of C2 Norns come with the game? (not C2 Deluxe)  

 Which is NOT a registry edit cheat for C2?  

 Where is the Advanced Science Kit pick up located?