Disrespectful Norn
Note: This one is really,
really stupid. And I'm not kidding. I'm ashamed to say that I wrote
it. If you plan on sending me hate mail about it, don't bother, I
am well aware of its stupidity :P It's pure fiction anyways.
Once upon a time, there was a Norn named
Bob. Bob was a good Norn. Happy, pleasant and popular… and he ate too!
One day he fell into the ocean (he was smart, but not that smart), so I
picked him up. I decided to put him near the Shee statue, because
he had never been there. I suppose I should mention that in my Albia, I
use the statue as an altar: I have the Norns leave offerings to their Shee.
Well, actually, I do. The statue of course, frightened Bob.
Bob crouched down with a look of fear on his face. “Bob very lonely” he
said, and “Bob seriously scared”. Then he said, “Bob intensely hungry”.
Being a good mommy (ha) I left to get him some food. When I returned
with a piece of cheese, I heard a munching sound. Then I saw Bob
PICK UP A PIECE OF OFFERING CHEESE AND EAT IT! How disrespectful! How stupid!
While I was in shock, Bob calmly picked up one of the silver offering containers
and DRANK IT! Once again, I nearly passed out. Who does this Norn think
he is? I told him to come, and he did. Then, he turned around,
picked up the last piece of fruit from the Altar and ate it. NOW
I was mad. I want my Norns to be loved by the Shee, to respect their
creators and cherish their history! This one was disrespectful.
I hated to do it, but I exported him. I just couldn’t stand to have
him around. He could teach the others his bad habits! Sorry
Bob, but the Shee would have done worse…