Grendel Rap
-What you need:
Creatures 2
-What you do:
1. Open the folder on your hard drive entitled "Creatures 2", then open
2. Find "DJ_G.wav".
3. Play it by double clicking on it, and make sure your speakers are turned
on :)
What the Doosers
really say
-What you need:
Creatures 2
-What you do:
1. Go into the Creatures 2 Sounds file again.
2. Find "doos.wav"
3. Open it and save it to a different folder (other than Sounds).
4. Assuming you have Windows 95/98, go Start > Programs > Entertainment
> Sound Recorder
5. Open the copy of doos.wav that you saved in a different folder than
6. Under "Effects", select "Decrease speed" and "Reverse"
7. Play it! Sound like the employees at Cyberlife are a little unhappy!
Hidden "Poetry"
-What you need:
C1 or C2 Deluxe
-Where to look:
C1: Creatures > TempBu > "Bustr.txt"
C2 Deluxe: Creatures 2 > Applet data > "Bustr3.txt"
Creatures 2 > Extra > "Len the pen.txt"